Return Policy

Return conditions

Unfortunately, the product does not meet your wishes or is, for example, the wrong size. In that case you can return the products via the same page as the Track and Trace page. You can go directly to this page by clicking the button at the bottom of this page and entering the Track and Trace code/barcode on this page. Some conditions are that you return the product(s) in new condition within 30 days of receipt. This means unused, washed, etc.

The costs for returning products are €6.95. This is to prevent unnecessary returns and thus reduce the burden on the environment.


Unfortunately, it is currently not yet possible to exchange products.

Step back

After you have registered your return on the return page and paid the return costs, you will receive a return label in the mail. You can stick this on the package and then you can send the package via PostNL to one of the PostNL shipping points. See PostNL points .


Once the items have been received and checked by Lionetic, the money will be refunded. This can take several working days (depending on your bank). The money will be returned to the account used as soon as possible via the payment method used. The shipping costs are of course not refundable.